April 1, 2004
6:30 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall
1196 Main Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Ricker, Kimberly Ferguson, Peter Brennan, Joanne O’Brien
STAFF: Pamela Harding, Town Planner
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Mark Donahue attorney for Scott Sundin and Son, Inc. was present to provide the Committee with an update for the proposed 40B Winterberry Hollow Development. Mr. Donahue stated that DHCD typically takes approximately three months to provide a Site Eligibility letter for Chapter 40 B filings and the applicant is planning to pre-file with the AHPC for a public hearing in the Fall.
Peter Brennan stated that the average single family home generates 2 children while apartments typically generate 2.4 children for every ten units. P. Brennan also stated that studies have shown that the economic impact on surrounding neighborhoods from developments of this type is minimal.
Scott Sundin stated that he believes the build out of the entire project would take about five years.
It was asked what the proposed buffer was between the construction of one of the affordable buildings and the homes on Cranbrook Drive. S. Sundin stated that there was approximately 400’ from the property line and an earthern berm would be provided as well. M. Donahue informed the Committee that dividends and returns are different for ownership and rental units.
The first phase of the development would consist of 48 units and a club house, 12 of these units would be affordable. The applicant stated that a similar development was constructed in Ohio and has been extremely successful.
The applicant stated that they are willing to incorporate a mix of ownership units, the applicant stated that they would sell the affordable ownership units buy the remaining condo ownership units themselves and rent them. The applicant desires the project to remain predominantly rental. There was a neighborhood concern regarding the lack of community interest this type of development would generate because of the short term residency rentals typically have.
R. Ricker stated that the financial figures seemed conservative and asked for the resume of the Mark Davis the consultant who compiled the evaluation.
R. Ricker stated that he did not find it a necessity to mix ownership and rental units stating that it would result in problems with maintenance and upkeep of the dwellings and grounds. If this were to be done he recommended separating the project in different parcels.
P. Brennan questioned who they would choose as a monitoring agency. M. Donahue stated that they will utilize whomever the Town would suggest.
R. Ricker requested at least 5% of the units be 3 bedroom, stating that he realized this would generate an increased number of children but there was a dire need for affordable family housing. Lisa Genatassio questioned how many stories the buildings were going to be, the applicant stated that they are proposing 2 story buildings, some of which would have a walkout in the back and would be approximately 2.5 stories.
David Cyganski wants to know if all of the Board of Selectmen conditions have been met. Diane Bernstein of Mark Circle questioned where the egresses of the development would be. Rick McCalligan of Cranbrook Drive asked how long it would be before ground breaking, it was stated that it would probably be about 24 months.
Lisa Genatassio asked what the units would look like.
The Committee requested revisions to the pro forma and a revised application incorporating three bedroom units. The Committee agreed to meet after the revisions were received.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.